hello! i don't know how you got here!

literally! i will probably never actively post about this website on social media, and i'm sure as shit not linking my socials media here. this website's basically just a passion project, and a way to keep up with anime and stuff. i'll mostly be doing reviews of whatever i've played or watched recently that's got me thinkin, and whatever else i might come up with. i'm also not the best at programming (this is the first major programming project i've done that didn't heavily involve outside code,) so, hopefully, it'll get gradually better and laterally nice to look at over time. i'm sorry but it's GOTTA look cringe. no other way to be when you're actively trying to support a decentralized internet. it's a tiny little baby step in the grand scheme of things, but it's my tiny little baby step.

to reward you for reading through all this, i'll give you this, a link to the "page not found" page. it does basically nothing!

find the page unfound!

you're SO welcome. hope you have as much fun as i am!